Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

First Newsletter...

I wrote this about a month ago and sent it to my semi private clients - just thought it would be worth sharing and see who can benefit from it. Just a newsletter that I plan to send out weekly...

This is the first of hopefully many more to come…

I thought I would pass along some information I have found useful in regards to Health and Fitness.

First I would like to share something I heard on a Podcast recently. It’s 4 habits that will contribute to someone’s wellbeing - they call it Fundamentals, I wish I remembered where I heard it, but I don’t. But here they are:

1. Work out 30 minutes a day for 5 days a week
2. Consume 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
3. No smoking
4. Maintain a healthy body weight.

If you can do these things consistently you will be setting yourself up for success when it comes to your Health and Fitness. My guess is the 2nd one might be the hardest one to attain so i thought I would share something that I have done the past few months that I feel has helped me get there. I’ve purchased Suja Organic Mighty Greens from Costco and consume a tall glass first thing in the morning. I still try to get some fruits/veggies with every meal - this just helps assure I go above and beyond.

Lifestyle - 
I read this story on our blog and was blown away and super inspired. I am sure we could all relate to Adam and his story - take 5 minutes to read it and would love to hear how it applies to your life.

I know we are all busy and food prep can be challenging, especially when you are first learning to do so. If you need extra help here just ask me, I am happy to help anyway I can. 

One thing I do when I travel a lot for work is order meals to be made for me. I know this isn’t a great long term plan but it certainly helps me stay on track in the short term. There are many food services out there, and people that are willing to cook for you if you ask around. I have at least 3 that I can refer you to, so if you need it please just ask. 

I know food is a critical component of my health and making sure it sustains me with staying on track with everything that I have going on.

I think that about does it for not - you can look for the weekly newsletter on Thursdays going forward - please fee free to forward it to anyone you think would benefit from it.

“Life is not a spectator sport. It’s better to be in the arena, getting stomped by the bull than to be up in the stands, or out in the parking lot.” The War of Art, Steven Pressfield