Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Three Laws of Performance

I absolutely love to travel - it gives me an opportunity to read.  I've gotten to be a huge nerd in the past few years in regards to learning and reading.  I don't always remember having such a huge passion/drive for reading but nowadays I am always reading 2-3 books at a time.

I went to Houston this past weekend to coach a Crossfit Endurance certification, which went really well.  I took 3 books with me, normal right???  Probably not so, but that's how I roll!

First on the agenda was "The Three Laws of Performance"  a book that was recommended to me by some friends that I have done Landmark courses with.  I've been reading this book since the spring, and only tid bits here and there whenever I have felt inspired to get into it.  I was on my last chapter - I knew I was going to finish it and I was looking forward to it.

The book itself was really easy to read, although I stopped several times so that I could think about some of the questions posed and how they impacted me, my life and the situations in my present.  One of the main reasons I love reading is because it makes me think - in a productive sense, it stimulates my brain and makes me question things that are going on in my life and how I look at the world.  It helps me see different perspectives and learn from others.
Here are the three laws of performance:

1.  How people perform correlates to how situations occur to them.
2.  How a situation occurs arises in language
3. Future-based language transforms how situations occur to people

Its hard to sum up in a few sentences what these sentences mean to me, and all the impact they've had in my life, and I probably won't know immediately either..,. What I can say is that they made a lot of sense when reading in the context of the book - I would highly recommend anyone looking for a good book to pick this up and reading it.  Personally, I know that by adding this to my reading material its kept me thinking how situations occur to other people. 

I really enjoyed the leadership corrollaries, milestones on the road to mastery and commitments they explained in the book - this really resonated it and the question that really hit home:  Who or What is leading your life?

What is it that I want to create for my future?  I want a future that is going to inspire action, and addresses the concerns of those involved, I want it to be vibrant and compelling!!!!

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