Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Thursday, July 7, 2011


There's a few things that have been going on in my life the past few months that I am really proud of. First off I have made some huge progress on my debt - awhile back I looked at my finances and realized I was spending way too much $ on eating out and not watching how I allocated my income. I had a friendly reminder that I ought to look at my finances as often as I exercise on a weekly basis - this was great advice, because how can you know what you need to change if you are not aware of your current situation. I started doing so a few months ago and then came up with my plan of attack which a couple of friends helped me out with.

The first thing i was committed to doing is paying off my new triathlon bike - I have been doing tri's since 2006, and it was time to upgrade, I had been training for IM St. George before I hurt my achilles - here she is:

Let's just say this wonderful bike was not cheap by any means, but I was able to get 0% interest rate for 6 months - I paid it off in less than 3 which was amazing.  There were 2 things I did to make this happen - worked a little bit more, opened up my training availability from 15-20 hours per week to 20-25 hours per week and spent less.  I have also been consistently coaching one of the CFE courses on a monthly basis where I travel either here in the US or internationally.

With this kind of an approach I was able to stick to my plan.  Next on my priority is paying off my motorcycle - just in the past month I made a huge dent on doing so and if all goes according to plan I will have it paid off by the middle of next month.  All in all this is setting me up to get to my CCs and have those paid off by the end of 2011 so that I can focus on a few other outstanding debts.

In hindsight my 20's were not the smartest years - I got myself into quite a bit of financial trouble and I have been working hard to clean the messes up that I created.  If all goes according to plan I will be completely debt free by the end of 2012!!!!

Update on my educational program for 2011 -
- Sentence completion once a week - been doing this on a regular basis, an exercise I picked up from the book "Happier" which has brought a lot of awareness to my life
- Take a course on breathing or energy work: haven't found anything yet, but committed to doing so this year
- Read for of Neale Donald Walsch's books - have read 2 already and about 1/2 way done on the 3rd one now
- Blog once/week - been consistently doing this

Professional Development
- Best Coach Ever: created google docs and been keeping up with it - about 90% compliance
- 'Chi Running' very small progress has been made - was on page 58, now on page 62
- 'Influencer' have read some of it - about 2/3 of the way done - was on page 89 and now on page 139/271
- Life Coaching Course:  nothing planned yet
- Read 4 other books:  committed to finishing the one's I have started for now

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you Nuno. When you pay off your debt you will feel a huge weight off your shoulders. It's amazing how much it can add stress to your life without you realizing it.
