Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

From a client....

Good morning Crossfit Coaches,
It's Mirelle from the 6AM crew and I just wanted to take some time out to wish you all a safe and happy holiday!
When I started Crossfit this past June I was broken...literally.  I had a jacked up left ankle I could barely flex.  My right knee was a mess and I was on the verge of a stress fracture.  Just getting out of bed was a chore.  I had just completed the San Diego Rock n Roll Marathon, which I was strongly advised not to do.  But I've never been one to listen when someone tells me I can't do something.  After that run, I felt defeated.  I finished it, but knew it would probably would be my last run.
Last Saturday I did Team In Training's famous Train Run.  We hopped on a train to Oceanside and ran back to our vehicles parked in Solana Beach...16 miles away.  I did this same run in April, which is where I jacked up my left ankle.  It was the run that started my downward spiral so I felt I needed to do it again. 
When I finished the run I felt as good at mile 16 as I did at mile 1.  AND, I ran it...the entire thing...over an hour faster than I did in April.  Granted I was broken in April, but I never thought I would ever be able to run around the block, let alone to do that run again.  It's the BEST xmas present I could have asked for so I wanted to thank all of you for helping me get there. 
It means a lot to me to feel this great running again.  Running is pretty much the only stress reliever I had available to me.  Without running my only other option was alcoholism, and I'm not even a big drinker!  I also run for the leukemia society.  For years I've been running in memory or in honor of complete strangers.  This year a friend/co-worker was diagnosed with the disease so I decided I would try for one more marathon...even if I had to walk the damn thing.  For years she's supported me in my efforts.  I couldn't tell her I wasn't going to do one for her.  She's been going through chemo since Sept and I learned yesterday the chemo didn't work.  Her only chance for survival is a bone marrow transplant.  The operation is scheduled a few days before my marathon.  It means everything to me to be able to run this one for her, and it means a lot to her that I am running. 
Since all my long runs fall on Saturdays, this Saturday I'll be doing my 18 miler.  I'm one my own for this one as my running group is taking the day off, but I still expect to run it strong.  I'll be running this one for first Crossfit partner.  She's the main reason I didn't quit Crossfit because I really hated it for the first few months.
Next Saturday, New Year's Eve, is my 20 miler.  I can't think of a better way of ending this year!  Currently I'm back to where I was when I thought I was fit.  I can't wait to see how much better I can be in 2012.  Thanks again!
Oh, and Crossfit has also helped me out in the workplace!  Two days ago I was punched in the arm by some crook, for no reason.  Next thing I knew I was holding the jackass up in the air by the back of his shirt (he was only like 125 pounds) as I "walked" him over to a holding cell.  When I threw him in the cell, I apparently threw him in so hard my partner went flying in with him.  I did feel bad about that. 
Anyway, enjoy your holidays and I'll be in the gym Monday morning!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

From Conversations with God

This was too good not to post - I receive a daily email and really wanted to share this

On this day of your life, Nuno, I believe God wants you to know...
...that taking better care of yourself is not merely a matter
of good health, it is a measure of spiritual evolution.

Some people take better care of their car than they do
of their body. Most people, in fact, pay little attention
to their body until something goes wrong. Yet why
create that kind of situation?

Look at what you are eating. How much and how
often do you exercise? When was your last check-up?
Are you treating your physical vehicle as if it is Divine?
Good for you if you are. If you aren't...why not?
Love, Your Friend.... 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Update for week ending 12/4

I started sending out a weekly update to my personal training clients.  I figured I wanted to touch base with them on a regular basis outside of the gym and wanted to create more community within the groups that meet with me regularly.  I typically look for things to acknowledge from the past week and pull together some information that I think will be valuable.  I thought I would post and share this on my blog - maybe someone will get something out of it :)

Another week has come and gone - by now you are looking forward to when these come out, right?
I most certainly hope so.  A few people were gone over thanksgiving so it was nice to get everyone back in the groove of things last week. 

Special shout out to Rob & Brandon for doing the workout Jackie last week- i think most of you have done since I love to use it as a benchmark.  
Row 1000, 50 Thrusters with the bar and 30 Pull ups - fun times to be had.  Who's looking forward to re-doing it to see how they do on it?

Updating spreadsheet - Brandon, Bo, Rob, Carolyn, Sarah
If you aren't doing it, let's figure out a way to get on it to stay current - would incentive help?

For some critical thinking please watch the following: 

I may have mentioned this book in one of our training sessions "Happier" - I finished it in the past 6 months and can honestly say its contributed greatly to my overall happiness and well being and would highly recommend it to all!!!!

Nutrition - 
Have you been keeping up with the habits I emailed previously? Below is the new habit to implement - do it for this week
Habit 5: Eat healthy fats daily - if you don't know what these are, please ask me
And here are the previous habits that I have sent out 
Habit 1:  Eat every 2-3 hours
Habit 2: eat complete, lean protein with each feeding opportunity
Habit 3:  Eat vegetables with each feeding opportunity
Habit 4:  Eat veggies/fruit with any meal.  Eat "other carbs" only after exercise

Last but not least, please welcome Joel to the semi-privates, he'll be joining us twice a week.  Be sure to make him feel welcomed to our groups :)