I started sending out a weekly update to my personal training clients. I figured I wanted to touch base with them on a regular basis outside of the gym and wanted to create more community within the groups that meet with me regularly. I typically look for things to acknowledge from the past week and pull together some information that I think will be valuable. I thought I would post and share this on my blog - maybe someone will get something out of it :)
Another week has come and gone - by now you are looking forward to when these come out, right?
I most certainly hope so. A few people were gone over thanksgiving so it was nice to get everyone back in the groove of things last week.
Special shout out to Rob & Brandon for doing the workout Jackie last week- i think most of you have done since I love to use it as a benchmark.
Row 1000, 50 Thrusters with the bar and 30 Pull ups - fun times to be had. Who's looking forward to re-doing it to see how they do on it?
Updating spreadsheet - Brandon, Bo, Rob, Carolyn, Sarah
If you aren't doing it, let's figure out a way to get on it to stay current - would incentive help?
For some critical thinking please watch the following:
I may have mentioned this book in one of our training sessions "Happier" - I finished it in the past 6 months and can honestly say its contributed greatly to my overall happiness and well being and would highly recommend it to all!!!!
Nutrition -
Have you been keeping up with the habits I emailed previously? Below is the new habit to implement - do it for this week
Habit 5: Eat healthy fats daily - if you don't know what these are, please ask me
And here are the previous habits that I have sent out
Habit 1: Eat every 2-3 hours
Habit 2: eat complete, lean protein with each feeding opportunity
Habit 3: Eat vegetables with each feeding opportunity
Habit 4: Eat veggies/fruit with any meal. Eat "other carbs" only after exercise
Last but not least, please welcome Joel to the semi-privates, he'll be joining us twice a week. Be sure to make him feel welcomed to our groups :)
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