Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Friday, August 20, 2010

Almost time to come home....

My trip is finally winding down and I am just about ready to come home - not quite yet, but will be after this weekend!!!

Its been very relaxing to have a few weeks of to enjoy Portugal and be. My life back in the states is never this calm - i usually have a lot of things going on and am typically always on the move, to have some down time usually makes me uneasy.

Part of me feels as if this might be my last visit to Portugal for the next few years - not sure why, but its almost as if a part of my life is becoming complete and I am ready to go out and explore different parts of the world. Not that i haven't already done so, but I have had the feeling the past few days that its time to move on and spend my vacations learning more about the world rather than revisiting the past.

I am super lucky to have the opportunity to travel, being in Portugal helps me realize how blessed i am to be able to do this - take 5 weeks during my summer and go to 4 different countries. Not many people are able to do so, which makes me very grateful for the life I have.

From wikipedia -


The average wage in Portugal is 804.22€ per month, and the minimum wage, which is regulated by law, is 475€ per month.

If I lived here, I don't know if I would have the opportunities to do what I do and go everywhere that I go.

I have gone back and forth with the idea of coming back to Portugal to live, but after this trip I have come to the conclusion that doesn't interest me anymore. At least not for now, i may change my mind though - i often do. But for now, i don't think its in the cards for me.

With that being said, I am looking forward to being back in San Diego - I am still not certain whether or not that is a place i want to live permanently, but i do know that its a place that i am able to make a very good living, where I am very comfortable, confident and close to family.

I am definitely feeling recharged and the last few days began itching to get back to my 'regular' life. I have a lot of fun things coming up in the next few months - traveling for Crossfit Endurance certifications to Washington, Texas, Florida before the end of the year. In September I am also attending Hot N Dry in Palm Springs - this will be my 3rd year attending and I have had such a great time the last 2 years and am really looking forward to going again this year.

Who knows what the next few months will bring - I have a few things planned but I am ready for anything. The past few years of my life have unfolded quite nicely and I have learned so much about myself and the world. Last summer I imagined being able to travel for work and share some of the knowledge and passion for training/health with people all over the world. I am blessed to have this opportunity and to make an impact in peoples lives.

Ok, i think i am rambling now, so i better rap this up and peace out!

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