Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Monday, February 7, 2011

GOALS - Dreaming BIG!!!

I did a lot of reading/writing on my trip down under, here's some things that I came up with...

The premises for these goals is what if I couldn't fail - that was one of the things that got me dreaming big.   The other one is if I had $100 million in the bank what would I do with myself.  Took these concepts from "The Four Hour Work Week"

6 months:
1. Make 10k from coaches development program (CFE) - this is an idea I'd like to explore
2. Debt free - possibilities here: write a bestseller, lottery, TV show? - 10k extra income per month next 6 months. 
3.  Start a charity/non-profit for kids
4. Investments in place for future

12 months:
1. Kids - start a family
2. Bestseller book?
3. Open up an endurance based Invictus Endurance based facility
4. Trip to Europe - 4 weeks-3months

More adventure in my life!!!!!

I've since been working on these goals - it seems that it's easy for me to set goals, but then achieving them can be another story.  These aren't easy by any means and will require quite a bit of dedication and discipline.    One of the main things that has been running through my head is continuing to be productive rather than just being active and the difference between effective and efficient - a little food for thought - explore those for a good time :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home Nuno! I know the trip to Europe is #4 on the list of Goals, but I really like that one. Its on my goal list too :)
