Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Nutrition & such

With the Crossfit Games right around the corner I am getting super excited about competing at Regionals.   Here in Southern California our regionals is the weekend of June 17th-19th, and at that point all the other regions will have gone already.  In order to qualify for the games in July our team must finish top 3 out of 30, which will be no easy task.

Check out the workouts that we will be doing -

Leading up to the games I get seriously committed about my nutrition and here are a few things that are a stable in keeping me on top of my game.

If you haven't tried this nut butter, get ready for it to rock your world.  Not only is it amazing, but your body will thank you for it!  "2 tablespoons of NuttZo PF provides 75% of your daily value of Omega 3 ALAs.  No sugar or hydrogenated oils added.  Most importantly, the taste is amazing and it will have you coming back for more."

I have found this to be the best recovery drink out there.  I have used it almost religiously for all my competitions for the past year an half - from 5k races, to 1/2 marathons, triathlons, CF Games, Gay Games, you name it - I always rely on Genr8 post workout to fuel my body.  I especially like the Tropical Flavor and will typically always have a tub of it available.  I like that I don't feel bloated when I drink it and it's sugar free :)


With the level of training that I have been doing for the past 6 months or so I have found that I have also been eating lots more, so one thing I looked for awhile back was a good source of protein which is what I found in Stronger, Faster, Healthier.  I found it to mix really well with most things and have been using the natural flavor for awhile now.  I find that I ended up eating somewhere between 3-5 meals per day and on the most part I eat only real foods, but in a pinch for time and convenience I lean on SFH whey protein which I think is the best out in the market.  Their fish oil is pretty amazing as well, all the flavors!!!

Speaking of fish oil, that is one thing that I must have in the house at all times.  At Invictus we carry Barlean's which I really like.  After using the Kirkland brand that I got from Costco I decided to try this since it had a higher EPA/DHA - which means I would have to take less of it,  doesn't that sound ideal?  I started using the liquid form and before I knew it the fish burps went away - you know what I am talking about?  If you are getting them, it's probably because you are taking a low grade fish oil that's coated with a bunch of stuff that is unknown - switch to a high grade fish oil like Barlean's, SFH or maybe even Carlson's which I also really like. 

The last recommendation I have is what my accupuncturist extraordinaire Heidi Fearon recommended to me awhile ago.  It's a calcium/magnesium supplement, which she has found at times athletes are deficient.   These are two major minerals that can help keep the body running at its best!  "You experience the tensing (calcium) and relaxing (magnesium) interaction of these two elements each time your heart beats, when you feel your pulse, and every time you breathe."  I found this to be a nice supplement to keep me healthy.  I have taken the natural flavor and am now on the raspberry flavor which I think has a nice zest to it.

All in all there's not one thing that I would say keeps me healthy, its always a combination of things, but these are top of my list.  What have you found that works really well for you?

1 comment:

  1. Great read Nuno..I like the pics.. going to try some of these products.. ps I like nutzo..too..Karen Roque Shaver. Ya day best :o
