Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Conversations with God - book 2

So I must admit that I am a total nerd, i probably read at least a book every month, but usually have at least 2 or 3 books that I am reading at the same time.  I just recently finished the 2nd book in the series of 'Conversations with God'.  I loved the first book so much that I read it twice, back to back, it was the first time I had done that with any book.

I picked up the first book in Australia at the recommendation of a friend and I have to say the books have really resonated with a lot of what I believe in regards to the world, society and who I am and what I want to be.

I've already ordered the 3rd book, but I thought I would share some of the things that stood out to me from the 2nd book.

'Stop trying to figure out what is "best for you (how you can with the most, lose the least, get what you want) and start going with what feels like Who You Are.'

'We are Perfect, just as we are'

'Religion asks you to learn from the experience of others.  Spirituality urges you to seek your own.'

'When you live as a three-par being, you come at last into balance with yourself.  Your concerns include matters of the soul: spiritual identity, life purpose; relationship to God; path of evolution; spiritual growth; ultimate destiny.'

'Devise a new curriculum, and build it around three Core Concepts:  Awareness, Honesty, Responsibility.'

'Need nothing. Desire everything.  Choose what shows up.'

'Be a light unto the world, and hurt it not.  Seek to build, not to destroy.'

I realize a lot of these statements may not make much sense out of context, but if you are reading this, i strongly encourage you to read these books - their purpose/intent is to create awareness and a shift of consciousness from where the world is heading, and this cannot be done until all of society is on board.

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