Life in the world of Nuno Costa

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

When it's cloudy I....

It's been almost 2 weeks since I have been back from my trip to Europe. It was an awesome experience to go where I went, see what I saw, do what I did and meet all the different people I met. It's taken me awhile to get adjusted to San Diego living and I have to say that my mindset is not all here yet.

Not really sure where it is though - it's definitely not in Europe and it doesn't feel lost, it still feels a little bit like its lacking direction.

I have no reason to complaint really - I set my own hours in terms of when I want to train people, I am able to travel with what I do and go to different cities and coach people from everywhere, yet something is still calling my name and I don't quite know what it is.

I have been meditating regularly which is a habit I'd like to continue, although the past few days I have been inconsistent I was able to make this into a daily morning routine when I was in Portugal. I tried doing it at night, but it didn't work so well.

I finished reading the book "Being Nobody, Going Nowhere" which really spoke to me about where I am spiritually and where I want to be. I don't feel as if anything in particular is missing or as if anything is wrong, and I don't even know how to quite describe what it is that I am going through - i just know that things haven't quite fallen into place and rather than trying to figure it out and rush to conclusions I am allowing things to be.

I have spoken to several people about some of the challenges I have had re-adjusting to life here in San Diego and have heard similar stories - sometimes it takes a few months to really get back into the lifestyle and way of being here. I hear it, and it makes sense, but my habit has always been to rush through things - so to allow things to be uncertain is a bit different, but something that I have gotten much better at in the past few years.

It's a cloudy Tuesday here in San Diego - weather not all that pleasant, and from the forecast it looks like it's going to be this way all week. Luckily I am going to a big sober retreat in Palm Springs this weekend - this should be a lot of fun, I have been the past 2 years and have had a fantastic time!!!!!

When you are in a cloudy mood what do you do to snap out of it?

When you are lacking motivation where do you turn to?

When you are searching for direction where do you go?

What inspires you?

What lets you know that you are on the right track?


  1. Great post Nuno. I think everyone has experiences like you described. I wish I had some nugget of knowledge to bestow. Have you ever heard of Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth." Like anything, you'll pull your own meaning out of it. The book shined some light on my thoughts regarding what I do have, what I don't have, where I want to be/go and how it matters. I think I found perspectives that I wouldn't have come to on my own. Check it out the synopsis and let me know what you think

  2. Great suggestion Eric - thank you, i read "A New Earth" last year and still have it and will revisit it :)
